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We're cooked. But we're also cooking.

We're cooked. But we're also cooking.

Since our initial Beta launch in March 2022 we've reached milestones and accomplished goals we never thought possible for such a small team. Our community has grown to over 65,000 monthly active users, we've had over 34,000 simultaneous fans watching games on Gameflow, and we've seen over 4,270,000 stream sessions. It's been an incredible journey and we've loved every part of it. Our users and community have been the driving force for us to keep pushing forward and improving the platform.

Our vision for Gameflow has been to create the esports experiences of the future and we've made strides towards that. We've also learned a lot along the way, and we've realized that we need to make some changes to our core product to better serve our vision and ultimately the esports community as a whole, all while running a sustainable business.

This is not a decision we've taken lightly as it's going to have a significant impact on our loyal users and community. While it's been a tough decision to make, it's a necessary one to ensure that we can continue with our mission in a sustainable way and to build the next generation of esports experiences.

Where we are today

We started out by building a platform that would allow fans to watch their favorite teams and players in a more engaging and interactive way while brand owners and content producers could monetize their content in a more sustainable way. In retrospect, we've had some reflections on our initial approach;

  • Content is king: A platform like Gameflow is entirely dependent on the content creators and brand owners to provide quality content that fans want to watch. We've realized that we need to do more to support these creators and owners to ensure that they can continue to provide the content that fans love.

  • Community is key: Our community has been the driving force behind Gameflow and we've realized that we need to do more to support and engage with our community. We need to create more engagement opportunities for fans to connect with each other and with the creators and brand owners that they love.

  • Experience is everything: We've always strived to create the best possible experience for our users, but we've realized that we've conformed to the traditional experience using "old-fashioned" streaming platforms. We're building the next generation of esports experiences and need to build something truly special. This requires investments in new technologies and new ways of thinking about how fans interact with esports content.

In many ways, we started in the wrong end and we need to make some changes to our core product to align with our own vision.

What's next

We're taking our now legacy platform offline on April 1st, 2024 to focus our resources on building the next generation of esports experiences. We're innovating our approach to how we can build a better, more sustainable platform, how we can better engage with our community, and how we can build the best possible experience for esports fans.

We've been building some really cool technology that we're excited to share with you when the time is right. We're also looking for feedback from our community on what you want to see in the future of esports and how we can build something that you'll love. We'll be reaching out to our community in the coming time to get your thoughts and ideas on what you want to see in the future of esports.

We're also looking for investments and partnerships to help us realize our vision and build the next generation of esports experiences; if you're interested in working with us, please reach out.

What about me?

All existing users will keep their accounts, purchases and collectibles. All subscriptions will be paused and any remaining time will be refunded. We'll keep you updated on what's coming next and how you can contribute to the future of esports.

Account features will be limited after the platform goes offline; none of the data will be deleted unless you request it. We'll keep you updated on how you can access your data and what you can do with it.

Signing off

I'm sad to see our current platform go offline. We've had a great time building it and seeing the community grow around it. I'm also torn about the decision as I know it will have a significant impact on our users and community, yet it's the right decision to make for us at this point.

I'm also excited about the new direction we're taking and the opportunities that lie ahead. We've learnt so much during the past two years and we're able to take that knowledge and build something truly special. We see that big changes are necessary to continue to grow and to build the next generation of esports experiences, and we're excited to take on that challenge.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far, we wouldn't be here without you. We hope you'll continue to follow and support us as we embark on this new journey.

Much love,

Arne Molland, co-founder

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